
‘I will love you forever, Sweetheart’

From left, 厄尔·克鲁姆维德46E, 雅各布·托马斯·法里斯41M (Res), 詹姆斯·莫尔斯,1968年

As Memorial Day nears, we profile three Rochester alumni who made the ultimate sacrifice.

几乎从 网赌论坛有哪些 成立于1850年, 有一些学生, 教师, and staff have who have lost their lives while serving in the US Armed Forces. The legacies of those who died are etched across the River Campus as lasting tributes:

  • Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons features 纪念牌匾 listing the names of fallen soldiers dating to the Civil War, which began just 11 years after the University opened.
  • 老兵纪念树林, located near the stairs leading up to Wilson Quadrangle, honors University alumni killed in wartime since World War I.
  • 在莫雷大厅, the University’s NROTC offices feature the 维克多Ohanesian Midshipmen Training Room and the 托马斯·金66年 Wardroom. Ohanesian was an assistant professor of naval science, and King was a student-athlete and NROTC battalion commander. Both were killed in the 越南战争.

纪念阵亡将士纪念日, we offer profiles of three members of the University community who lost their lives in war.

archival photo of Jacob Farris in uniform.雅各布·托马斯·法里斯41M (Res)


医生的儿子, Farris grew up in Kentucky and earned his bachelor’s degree at Eastern Kentucky University. He came to Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital as a medical intern in 1939 and was a resident there until joining the Army as a medical reserve in 1941.

Farris was attached to a combat battalion and already had received the Silver Star, the US Armed Forces’ third highest military decoration for valor in combat, when he landed with troops during the Allies’ D-Day invasion of Normandy, 法国, 6月6日, 1944. 将近两个月后, 8月3日, Farris died of shrapnel wounds while tending to the wounded in the field at Normandy. 他27岁.

他的妻子, 玛格丽特·斯特宾斯·法里斯,39岁, ’40N, had given birth to a daughter three months earlier and received news of her husband’s death in a letter from a physician who was working alongside Farris on the front lines.

Farris is buried in Richmond, Kentucky. The inscription on his tombstone, written by his young widow, reads:

I will love you forever, Sweetheart. 时间和距离没有任何意义.

Living he made it goodlier to live.

Margaret Farris stayed in Rochester and enjoyed a long career as a teacher and principal in the Rochester City School District. She never remarried and died at age 93 in 2012—68 years after her husband.

yearbook photo of Earl Krumwiede.
(哈特威克学院摄/ Paul F. Cooper,小. 档案)



Krumwiede grew up in Rochester and graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School, where he played viola in the school orchestra. He received his preliminary musical education at the Hochstein School of Music & Dance and attended Hartwick College in Oneonta, 纽约, for a year before entering the Eastman School of Music as a viola and composition major.

The son of a Lutheran minister, he was drafted into the Army in February 1943. He went missing that November when the troop ship he was on, the HMT Rohna, was sunk in the Mediterranean Sea by a German glide bomb off the coast of 突尼斯. It wasn’t until June 1944 that Krumwiede was confirmed among the 1,105 American service members who died in the attack. It was the nation’s greatest loss at sea by enemy action during 二战.

Krumwiede’s date of death is listed as November 27, 1943. He was 21 years old and is buried with several fellow service members in the North Africa American Cemetery in Carthage, 突尼斯.

詹姆斯·莫尔斯的年鉴照片. 詹姆斯·莫尔斯,1968年


Morse was born in 1946 and grew up in South Kortright, a hamlet in Delaware County, 纽约. 在高中时, he served as junior class treasurer and senior class vice president and was a member of the yearbook staff and the school band. He enrolled at the University in the fall of 1964 and majored in management science. 在网赌论坛有哪些时, he was a member of the University Chorus, 教堂唱诗班, 和男子合唱团.

莫尔斯于7月18日参军, 1967, and left for Vietnam five months later, serving with the 5th Cavalry of the 9th Regiment. He was killed during a battle in the province of Quang Tri on March 30, 1968. He was the 17th resident of Delaware County to die in South Vietnam between 1965 and 1967.

莫尔斯去世时22岁. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and promoted from private first class to corporal. He is buried in Locust Hill Cemetery in Hobart, a village in Delaware County.


Read more profiles of University community members who lost their lives serving in the armed forces.

Guy Barstow Fraley, Class of 1920
戈登·K. 兰伯特' 32,' 35 (MD)
达尔文K. 邓宁的39
Robert Zwierschke ' 39
Walter Menegazzi, 43年
Bjorn Lindboe, 45岁
罗伯特E. 克劳迪斯的46
Lester Shade ' 47
斯皮罗J. 彼得斯50
小乔治·戴科马. ’51
詹姆斯·R. 高秤的56
罗伯特·N. 67年恐慌

